Shows specially created for the client, around a specific theme, a historical event, a special date, some character’s bio or the history of some place. We take care of the whole creation process: script, rehearsals, customs, attrezzo, sound and lighting.
We have carried out several exclusive shows for specific occasions on a variety of styles ranging from the smallest show to huge productions involving hundreds of amateur actors coordinated and directed by Sapo.
Examples of a “historical shows” are The Comedy of the Siege or The French are coming “ A fantastic story during the Siege of Logroño”all created for Saint Bernabe’s Festivities reaching a figure of 250 participants ; The Balconies Romance in Briones, the last editions of The Miracles of the Saint in Santo Domingo de La Calzada. The burial of the Sardine (Typical Spanish event happening on the last day of the Carnival Celebrations) Live Nativity Sets or Carnival shows are just some examples among many.
Historical characters’ anniversaries such as César Borgia in Viana, Saint Millán in his own La Cogolla Monastery, Sagasta (19th century Prime Minister) or Espartero ( The man that could have become king) and opening ceremonies of venues such as wineries, museums, and even oil presses.